The car broke down on us while we were on our way to visit my in-laws in Welkom. While we were there we ended up buying a new car, 2006 Honda Civic 180LXI VTEC. We looked around for a open place to check if they could fix the ballade, the only place willing that was open suggested they open the engine and refurbish it. Charge was like R12000.00. We suggested that it would be a lot cheaper to just get a new used imported engine. They convinced us that it would be better to fix the engine we had, after all, no telling what might be wrong with the new used engine. Months later we returned to Welkom to fetch the "Repaired Honda Ballade" on the way back to Johannesburg, the car overheated... so there we were back to Welkom and back to the morons who fucked up the job. Later found out that they charged an extra R4000.00 to replace a water pump or something... Anyway, get the car back and it still over heats when driving in a congested town environment. Call the assholes who say we need to remove the thermostat. which we do and keep on driving for a couple of months... On my war home from work, the engine starts making this loud knocking sound.. All i can do is hope i make it home before the engine gives up on me... (Really not lis to wait 2 hours for a pickup) Anyway, i make it home an left the car until now...
This time I do things my self, and make sure its done correctly....(Yes I'm going to have a lot to learn about engines n stuff)
These are the pictures of the Cam and Cam Holder Thingies...
oops, sorry, this is the picture of my daughter showing the camera what she thinks of the assholes who worked on our ballade
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